Weatherford Chamber of Commerce, Weatherford, Texas
Weatherford Chamber of Commerce, Weatherford, Texas
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Weatherford Chamber of Commerce

We Mean Business
Membership with the Weatherford Chamber of Commerce offers the opportunity to work alongside other business leaders to make a positive impact on our region, making it one of the best places to live, work and build a business. The Chamber offers a variety of membership levels for any budget. From non-profits, basic level to more robust levels for corporations. A membership investment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but can be deducted as a business expense.

Questions? Email or call 817-596-3801.

membership app link

Advertising packageck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Business listed in
Membership Directory
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Inclusion in the Chamber's
referral service
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Ribbon Cutting/Grand
Opening or milestone
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Receive the Weekly E-Blast
providing you with timely
information on upcoming  events
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Category listing in the
Business Directory on
(up to 5 categories)
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Committee Involvementck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
opportunities in print
and digital media
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Discounted prices at
networking/special events
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Display your brochures
in Chamber lobby
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Use of Chamber logo
on your website
(Proud Member)
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Membership decals
for display at your
place of business
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Post open positions
on Job Board
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Access to
Member-only events
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
List your events on
Chamber calendar
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Attend networking,
seminars & workshops
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Opportunity to add
promotional items in
the NewComer bags
ck nonprofitck businessck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Enhanced listing on the
online Business Directory
  ck bronzeck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Recognized as Star
member at events
     ck platinumck premierck elite
Receive one set of
Membership labels annually
    ck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Receive a list of all
members (business name,
contact & address)
   ck silverck goldck platinumck premierck elite
Opportunity to host
Christmas Mixer
    ck goldck platinumck premierck elite
One (1) free ad in the
Weekly E-Blast (annually)
  ck bronze     
Two(2) free ads in the
Weekly E-Blast (annually)
    ck silver ck gold   
Three (3) free ads om tje 
Weekly E-Blast (annually))
     ck platinumck platinumck elite
Logo to be included on
home page of Chamber
website and Logo link
on Weekly E-blast
     ck platinumck premierck elite
Personal meeting to
discuss Chamber 101
at your business location
     ck platinumck premierck elite
Welcome Host at
Breakfast Before Business
with table for
promotional items
     ck platinumck premierck elite
Recognition at Annual Awards
     ck platinumck premierck elite
Customized Ribbon cutting (ribbon color
of choice and confetti cannons)
      ck premierck premier
One (1) spot for you or
your employee for
Leadership Weatherford
(held bi-annually)
      ck premierck elite
Logo displayed on
Chamber lobby monitor
       ck elite
Annual Awards Banquet:
Table Sponsor for 8
      ck premierck elite
Annual Golf Tournament:
One (1) team and a
Celebrity Hole Sponsor
      ck premier ck elite
Sweet on Business
Sponsor: 8 seats
      ck premierck elite

Women of Weatherford Luncheon
Sponsor: table of 8

      ck premierck elite
Lunch with a Legend
Sponsor: table of 8
      ck premierck elite
Sponsor One
Breakfast Before Business
       ck elite
Annual Parker County Peach Festival
$1,000 sponsorship (no booth)
      ck premier 
 Annual Parker County Peach
Festival: Partner Sponsor
(includes booth space
if desired)
       ck elite
Christmas on the Square:
Sponsor (includes booth
space if desired)
      ck premierck elite


membership app link