Getting the MOST out of your membership! Whether you’re a brand-new chamber member or just need a refresher, join us for this overview of the chamber programs, resources, membership perks.
Chamber Essentials is a FREE 1 hour class that talks about benefits of being a member of the Chamber. This class is for NEW Members and Seasoned Members that want to get the most of their membership!
Some of the questions that will be answered are:
- How do I get my ad in the Chamber eblast?
- How do I put information in relocation packets to newcomers?
- I've thought about joining, but don't know if I should?
- Can I get mailing list from the Chamber?
- How do I get involved?
- What are my benefits as a Chamber Member?
- Can I sign up my employees to receive Chamber info?
Chamber Essentials: Exploring Membership Benefits
2:00 to 3:00
Baker Firm
132 Austin Ave, Weatherford, TX 76086